Pinterest Marketing Strategies for Health Practices
Discover tips for using Pinterest in your social media marketing strategy. Learn how to use Pinterest to bring users to your health practice.
Social media is a major part of any marketing strategy when running your own wellness business. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are the most commonly used platforms for connecting with wellness clients, but what about Pinterest?
Pinterest is a great option for registered dietitians who are interested in sharing infographics, recipes, motivational quotes, blogs and other nutrition education content. This social media platform is a little more low-key than some of the others, but undoubtedly, has a great community of dietitians. So, how do you go about building up a Pinterest page that clients will turn to?
1. How to Use Pinterest for Social Media Marketing
Like most social media pages, frequent updates are key. New content daily is not a rule, but an advisable guideline. Try to have fun with it, otherwise posting a couple times a day will quickly start to feel like a chore. At the end of the day, consistency with the content that you put out is key. Any social platform serves as a way to have ongoing touch-points with prospective clients, and helps to nurture those leads into paying clients.
2. Make many boards.
You may only start out with a few boards, but the more boards you create, the more content you’ll have and the easier it will be for followers to find exactly what they’re looking for. One easy quick tip: Don’t label your board “Recipes” if you think you’ll gather a lot. Try to divide it up into smaller categories, like “Gluten-Free,” “Favorites for Kids,” or “Healthier Dessert Options to Try”
3. You don’t need to create every pin from scratch.
Pinterest is a place of inspiration. If you want to include a board of recipes you specifically have tried and approved of – that is a great feature. But otherwise, don’t sweat it if you haven’t tried everything you’ve pinned. You pinned it because you would want to try it. It means it’s a cool idea you wanted to bookmark it.
4. Be professional, but have a little fun.
Remember, Pinterest is still a social media page. Feel free to have a little bit of fun. If you see a comic that made you smile, that’s okay to share from time to time. Of course, you still have to be mindful of who it goes out to, but still, don’t be afraid to inject a little more of your brand personality into your Pinterest page. At the end of the day, you’re pinning to help share valuable content, reach a new audience and attract prospective clients. Content that is informational, engaging and valuable to your ideal client will always achieve your marketing goals.
5. Engage with the content you pin.
You don’t have to comment on everything you pin, but commenting frequently is a great way to inject your own voice into social media site. Your comments don’t need to be extensive, but a few words from time to time on what you think of a pin or a recipe can go a long way.