How to create an online workout or fitness program
Learn how to create an online fitness program as a personal trainer. Discover ways to grow your fitness brand at Healthie.
Whether you’re a dedicated personal trainer or a different type of healthcare provider looking to add a new dimension to your business, you might have considered creating an online fitness program. There’s no denying that this is the modern way to offer personal training or workout classes, but when it comes to building the program, it can be hard to know where to begin. Plus, setting yourself apart from all your competitors is no small feat either. In this article, we have six tips for creating an amazing online workout or fitness program that your clients will love.
How online personal training and fitness programs can help you grow your brand
Offering an online fitness program to your clients comes with a wide range of benefits. Remote fitness is:
- Convenient for your clients. The COVID-19 pandemic has made online fitness the new normal, and people have embraced the change. For many busy professionals, having access to high quality online fitness resources has been a game changer, so offering these services is a great way to appeal to many people.
- Flexible and scalable. You’re not limited to the number of people that your studio or gym can accommodate and, if you create content in advance, you’re not limited by the number of hours in the day either. Having flexibility around time and location can make it much easier to grow your business.
- A great way to reach more clients. Online fitness programs aren’t limited to people in your city. Offering digital classes can help you connect with clients all over the country - or even the world.
Six tips for creating a great online workout or fitness program
Define your niche
Before you go any further, you need to be clear about who you’re trying to appeal to, and what sets you apart from your competitors. Being aware of what makes you unique will affect everything from your tone of voice to how you go about marketing your program.
Think about what your program offers
People want to see results, so it’s a good idea to determine exactly what your fitness program can offer clients. Consider your target audience, and decide on one clearly defined outcome that you can deliver - something like “greater core strength”, or “improved lower body flexibility”. Then, design the program with this goal in mind.
Design your online fitness program
After deciding on intended results, it’s time to create workouts that will help clients get there! But remember to also include a range of non-workout resources, such as recipes, lifestyle tips, infographics, motivational content and more. Think about how long the program will be, how many workouts you want to offer, and how to make sure your clients will benefit.
Don’t be afraid to use templates to help you build a great program. For instance, Healthie offers a Guide To Telefitness For Virtual Fitness Sessions and a Wellness Challenge Template, which can help you to create well-rounded content for your clients.
Film your online workout program
Filming content seems like a big task, but don’t overthink it. A phone or webcam should do the job, so long as you use a tripod to keep it steady. Make use of natural light and ensure your space is tidy. Do a small test run to check that you can see the moves and there’s nothing distracting in the background.
Don’t forget about audio - use a microphone to make sure clients can clearly hear you. If you choose to include music, make sure you can post it legally. Sites like Epidemic Sound or Bensound offer monthly subscriptions which allow users access to royalty-free songs.
Consider how you’ll communicate with clients
Ensure you’re making use of a high quality and intuitive platform where clients can track their progress and communicate with you. Healthie offers an all-in-one tool where clients can log food intake, record their metrics and view stats, set goals, access resources, and more.
Promote your online fitness program
Use attractive graphics that will appeal to your target audience and post about your workout program on social media. Other marketing strategies include emailing current clients, paying for online ads, running a limited-time sale, or starting a referral program.
Use Healthie for your online fitness program
If you’re looking for somewhere to host your fitness program, consider Healthie! The Programs feature allows you to create courses online, share content, track client activity, and more. With Healthie Programs, you can:
- Build content ahead of time to be automatically shared with clients.
- Sync Fitbit, Apple Health, or Google Fit to log real-time metrics.
- Securely store client information in a fully HIPAA-compliant system.
- Customize your billing terms.
- Easily communicate with clients via individual, group or blast chat messages.