Group Practice

5 questions to ask therapists before they join your practice

The therapist hiring process is full of questions you should be asking. Learn about the right therapist interview questions to ask for your next hire.

Published on May 30, 2024
Updated on Aug 22, 2024

Whether you’re a solo practitioner looking to expand to a group practice, or a group practice ready to add your next provider, hiring a therapist that is the right fit for your practice is crucial. It's not about filling a position; it's about ensuring that the new therapist will align with your practice's values, enhance your team's dynamics, and contribute positively to your patients' well-being. This article will guide you through the process of hiring a therapist for your private practice, focusing on evaluating their experience, comfort with technology, team compatibility, and other essential qualities to consider. 

Hiring a therapist: properly vetting candidates for your practice 

As you begin recruiting, it's essential to understand that this process is multifaceted. Properly vetting candidates is the first critical step when hiring a therapist. Begin by defining the specific needs of your practice. Are you looking for someone with a particular specialization? Do you need someone who is experienced in working with certain populations or issues? First, define the needs of your practice, and communicate those expectations while creating a job description. This will help attract the right candidates, saving you and potential applicants from wasting time. 

Once you have a pool of candidates, the vetting process involves reviewing their credentials and experience. Look for therapists who have the required educational background, licenses, and relevant experience. Additionally, consider their approach to therapy. Do their methods and philosophies align with your practice’s therapeutic approach and values? This alignment is crucial for maintaining consistency and quality in the services your practice offers. If these values are not communicated in their initial application, you can ask such preliminary questions before moving to the interview process. 

Qualities & skills to consider for hiring a therapist for a private practice

While hiring for a behavioral therapist, several qualities and skills will probably be particularly important to you and your growing practice, such as: 

  • Adaptability: behavioral health is constantly evolving, with new techniques, technologies, and approaches emerging regularly. You might be looking to hire therapists that are always learning and integrating new methods into their practice. 
  • Technological proficiency: leveraging technology effectively has become a critical skill for providers. Whether it's managing appointments through an online system, conducting virtual therapy sessions, or using digital tools for patient communication and record-keeping, being comfortable with – or better yet, enthusiastic about – technology is a desirable quality. When hiring therapists, ask your candidates about their experience with digital tools and platforms.
  • Collaboration: in a group practice, therapists need to work closely with colleagues and support staff. They should be able to share insights, provide mutual support, and contribute to a cohesive team environment. Assess their ability to work as part of a team by asking about their past experiences in group settings. 
  • Community engagement: a therapist who actively engages with the community and effectively promotes their services can help build a robust patient base and enhance the practice's reputation. When in the therapist hiring process, look for candidates who have a track record of community involvement and self-promotion.

The five questions to ask a therapist in an interview

Hiring a therapist for a private practice, especially your own, requires a sense of thorough care and consideration for the success of both your practice and your patients. When you're ready to interview potential therapists, having a set of well-crafted questions can help you evaluate their fit for your practice. Here are five essential questions to ask a therapist in an interview:

How do you integrate technology into your therapy sessions and practice management?

This therapist interview question is crucial for evaluating a therapist's experience and comfort with technology, especially if your practice uses digital tools extensively. A therapist who is proficient with technology can manage appointments, conduct virtual sessions, and use digital tools for patient communication and record-keeping efficiently. 


Can you describe your therapeutic approach and how it aligns with our practice's values?

While in the process of hiring a therapist, understanding their individual approach to therapy is essential to ensure it aligns with your practice's therapeutic approach and values. This question helps gauge whether their methods and philosophies are compatible with your practice, ensuring a consistent and high-quality patient experience.

How do you manage your schedule and handle high patient loads?

This question assesses their organizational skills and ability to manage a busy practice. It's important to understand how they balance their workload to maintain a high standard of care without experiencing burnout. Their ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks is key to their success in a private practice setting.

What strategies do you use to engage with the community and promote your services?

Community engagement and self-promotion are important for building a strong patient base and enhancing the practice's reputation. This question helps you understand how they approach these tasks and what strategies they use to connect with potential patients and promote their services effectively. 

How do you collaborate with other therapists and support staff in a group practice setting?

Teamwork is crucial in group practice. This question is designed to assess their ability to work as part of a team and how well they will integrate with your existing staff. Look for examples of past collaborative efforts and how they have contributed to a positive team environment. 

Other considerations to keep in mind

When hiring a therapist for private practice, there are additional considerations beyond the interview questions. One important aspect is their willingness to participate in continuous education and professional development. This can include attending workshops, participating in webinars, or engaging in additional training. A therapist committed to ongoing learning is likely to bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to your practice.

Another consideration when hiring therapists is their flexibility in service delivery. With the increasing demand for virtual therapy sessions, it's beneficial to have therapists who are comfortable providing both in-person and virtual services. This flexibility can help meet the diverse needs of your patients and ensure continuity of care regardless of circumstances.

Lastly, consider their cultural competence and ability to work with diverse populations. A therapist who is culturally sensitive and skilled at working with patients from various backgrounds can enhance the inclusivity and effectiveness of your practice, and also open up your practice to a bigger audience. 

Use Healthie to increase the success of your practice

Leveraging tools like Healthie can significantly enhance the efficiency and success of your practice. Healthie offers a comprehensive platform for scheduling, billing, telehealth, and practice management, making it easier for new therapists to adapt to your practice’s digital environment. Utilizing such platforms can streamline operations, reduce administrative burdens, improve patient experiences, and simplify team management with advanced roles and permissions settings

Healthie’s features include secure video conferencing for virtual therapy sessions, online booking and scheduling, electronic health records (EHR), and patient engagement tools. By integrating Healthie into your practice, you can ensure that your therapists have the support and resources they need to provide high-quality care efficiently.


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Group Practice

5 questions to ask therapists before they join your practice

The therapist hiring process is full of questions you should be asking. Learn about the right therapist interview questions to ask for your next hire.

Whether you’re a solo practitioner looking to expand to a group practice, or a group practice ready to add your next provider, hiring a therapist that is the right fit for your practice is crucial. It's not about filling a position; it's about ensuring that the new therapist will align with your practice's values, enhance your team's dynamics, and contribute positively to your patients' well-being. This article will guide you through the process of hiring a therapist for your private practice, focusing on evaluating their experience, comfort with technology, team compatibility, and other essential qualities to consider. 

Hiring a therapist: properly vetting candidates for your practice 

As you begin recruiting, it's essential to understand that this process is multifaceted. Properly vetting candidates is the first critical step when hiring a therapist. Begin by defining the specific needs of your practice. Are you looking for someone with a particular specialization? Do you need someone who is experienced in working with certain populations or issues? First, define the needs of your practice, and communicate those expectations while creating a job description. This will help attract the right candidates, saving you and potential applicants from wasting time. 

Once you have a pool of candidates, the vetting process involves reviewing their credentials and experience. Look for therapists who have the required educational background, licenses, and relevant experience. Additionally, consider their approach to therapy. Do their methods and philosophies align with your practice’s therapeutic approach and values? This alignment is crucial for maintaining consistency and quality in the services your practice offers. If these values are not communicated in their initial application, you can ask such preliminary questions before moving to the interview process. 

Qualities & skills to consider for hiring a therapist for a private practice

While hiring for a behavioral therapist, several qualities and skills will probably be particularly important to you and your growing practice, such as: 

  • Adaptability: behavioral health is constantly evolving, with new techniques, technologies, and approaches emerging regularly. You might be looking to hire therapists that are always learning and integrating new methods into their practice. 
  • Technological proficiency: leveraging technology effectively has become a critical skill for providers. Whether it's managing appointments through an online system, conducting virtual therapy sessions, or using digital tools for patient communication and record-keeping, being comfortable with – or better yet, enthusiastic about – technology is a desirable quality. When hiring therapists, ask your candidates about their experience with digital tools and platforms.
  • Collaboration: in a group practice, therapists need to work closely with colleagues and support staff. They should be able to share insights, provide mutual support, and contribute to a cohesive team environment. Assess their ability to work as part of a team by asking about their past experiences in group settings. 
  • Community engagement: a therapist who actively engages with the community and effectively promotes their services can help build a robust patient base and enhance the practice's reputation. When in the therapist hiring process, look for candidates who have a track record of community involvement and self-promotion.

The five questions to ask a therapist in an interview

Hiring a therapist for a private practice, especially your own, requires a sense of thorough care and consideration for the success of both your practice and your patients. When you're ready to interview potential therapists, having a set of well-crafted questions can help you evaluate their fit for your practice. Here are five essential questions to ask a therapist in an interview:

How do you integrate technology into your therapy sessions and practice management?

This therapist interview question is crucial for evaluating a therapist's experience and comfort with technology, especially if your practice uses digital tools extensively. A therapist who is proficient with technology can manage appointments, conduct virtual sessions, and use digital tools for patient communication and record-keeping efficiently. 


Can you describe your therapeutic approach and how it aligns with our practice's values?

While in the process of hiring a therapist, understanding their individual approach to therapy is essential to ensure it aligns with your practice's therapeutic approach and values. This question helps gauge whether their methods and philosophies are compatible with your practice, ensuring a consistent and high-quality patient experience.

How do you manage your schedule and handle high patient loads?

This question assesses their organizational skills and ability to manage a busy practice. It's important to understand how they balance their workload to maintain a high standard of care without experiencing burnout. Their ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks is key to their success in a private practice setting.

What strategies do you use to engage with the community and promote your services?

Community engagement and self-promotion are important for building a strong patient base and enhancing the practice's reputation. This question helps you understand how they approach these tasks and what strategies they use to connect with potential patients and promote their services effectively. 

How do you collaborate with other therapists and support staff in a group practice setting?

Teamwork is crucial in group practice. This question is designed to assess their ability to work as part of a team and how well they will integrate with your existing staff. Look for examples of past collaborative efforts and how they have contributed to a positive team environment. 

Other considerations to keep in mind

When hiring a therapist for private practice, there are additional considerations beyond the interview questions. One important aspect is their willingness to participate in continuous education and professional development. This can include attending workshops, participating in webinars, or engaging in additional training. A therapist committed to ongoing learning is likely to bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to your practice.

Another consideration when hiring therapists is their flexibility in service delivery. With the increasing demand for virtual therapy sessions, it's beneficial to have therapists who are comfortable providing both in-person and virtual services. This flexibility can help meet the diverse needs of your patients and ensure continuity of care regardless of circumstances.

Lastly, consider their cultural competence and ability to work with diverse populations. A therapist who is culturally sensitive and skilled at working with patients from various backgrounds can enhance the inclusivity and effectiveness of your practice, and also open up your practice to a bigger audience. 

Use Healthie to increase the success of your practice

Leveraging tools like Healthie can significantly enhance the efficiency and success of your practice. Healthie offers a comprehensive platform for scheduling, billing, telehealth, and practice management, making it easier for new therapists to adapt to your practice’s digital environment. Utilizing such platforms can streamline operations, reduce administrative burdens, improve patient experiences, and simplify team management with advanced roles and permissions settings

Healthie’s features include secure video conferencing for virtual therapy sessions, online booking and scheduling, electronic health records (EHR), and patient engagement tools. By integrating Healthie into your practice, you can ensure that your therapists have the support and resources they need to provide high-quality care efficiently.


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Managing multiple providers has never been easier.

Managing multiple providers has never been easier.
Managing multiple providers has never been easier.