
How to Write an Effective Newsletter

Learn how to write an effective newsletter for your wellness clients. Find out what kind of content to include to keep clients engaged.

Published on Oct 13, 2016
Updated on Feb 23, 2024

One powerful marketing tool to utilize in your wellness business as a regular newsletter. Your newsletter may be a fun monthly (or seasonal) update about your practice, but it can also be an effective way to attract new clients, as well as keep old clients engaged.

Today, we’re going to walk you through the process of creating a newsletter and maximizing its effectiveness…

1. Continuously Build Your Email Newsletter List

You can’t send a newsletter without having someone to send it to! Therefore, the first thing you need to do is hunt for email addresses. You may already have a list of email addresses from your current clients, but you also want to include people you haven’t yet worked with who may be interested in your services. So, how do you go about finding more email addresses?

  • Go to local events. Set up a stand at your local farmer’s market or local festival and be sure to bring a clipboard so that visitors can leave their information to learn more information. Many of them may not become clients right away, but they are additional names to include on your newsletter mailing list so down the road, they may be more likely to convert to clients.
  • Offer a freebie. One tip, provided by Margie Geiser, is to offer some form of free content on your website that can be downloaded in exchange for an email address. This “freebie” may be a recipe, a meal-planning guide, or something that will demonstrate your expertise and be desirable to your target client. This strategy will provide you with a number of email addresses that you can add to your mailing list.

2. Create (Or Curate) Content Designed for Your Ideal Client

Your newsletter can be sent to old clients, current clients, and future potential clients, so it’s important to remember that you do not have the same relationships with all of them. You still want to create a newsletter that all can interact with. This is why content is key.

In your newsletter, you want to include more than just an update of what you’ve been doing for the past few months, but something that everyone can read and engage with. If you regularly blog, your recipes and articles are great things to share.

If you’re not much of a creator, become a curator. Pick out recipes and articles that you find interesting and you think your newsletter readers will enjoy.

Pro Tip: If a holiday is coming up, think seasonal! It’s a great way to grab someone’s attention. For instance, if you know a great healthy swap that will go great with Thanksgiving turkey, that’s a great thing to share.

3. Add Personal Touches to Your Newsletter

While all of your newsletter readers may not know you well, don’t be afraid to extend personal touches! Your newsletter is a great place for people to get to know you. Sharing odds and ends about yourself and your practice in your newsletter will foster trust and build your relationship, so clients will be much more comfortable when they decide to book a consultation.

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How to Write an Effective Newsletter

Learn how to write an effective newsletter for your wellness clients. Find out what kind of content to include to keep clients engaged.

One powerful marketing tool to utilize in your wellness business as a regular newsletter. Your newsletter may be a fun monthly (or seasonal) update about your practice, but it can also be an effective way to attract new clients, as well as keep old clients engaged.

Today, we’re going to walk you through the process of creating a newsletter and maximizing its effectiveness…

1. Continuously Build Your Email Newsletter List

You can’t send a newsletter without having someone to send it to! Therefore, the first thing you need to do is hunt for email addresses. You may already have a list of email addresses from your current clients, but you also want to include people you haven’t yet worked with who may be interested in your services. So, how do you go about finding more email addresses?

  • Go to local events. Set up a stand at your local farmer’s market or local festival and be sure to bring a clipboard so that visitors can leave their information to learn more information. Many of them may not become clients right away, but they are additional names to include on your newsletter mailing list so down the road, they may be more likely to convert to clients.
  • Offer a freebie. One tip, provided by Margie Geiser, is to offer some form of free content on your website that can be downloaded in exchange for an email address. This “freebie” may be a recipe, a meal-planning guide, or something that will demonstrate your expertise and be desirable to your target client. This strategy will provide you with a number of email addresses that you can add to your mailing list.

2. Create (Or Curate) Content Designed for Your Ideal Client

Your newsletter can be sent to old clients, current clients, and future potential clients, so it’s important to remember that you do not have the same relationships with all of them. You still want to create a newsletter that all can interact with. This is why content is key.

In your newsletter, you want to include more than just an update of what you’ve been doing for the past few months, but something that everyone can read and engage with. If you regularly blog, your recipes and articles are great things to share.

If you’re not much of a creator, become a curator. Pick out recipes and articles that you find interesting and you think your newsletter readers will enjoy.

Pro Tip: If a holiday is coming up, think seasonal! It’s a great way to grab someone’s attention. For instance, if you know a great healthy swap that will go great with Thanksgiving turkey, that’s a great thing to share.

3. Add Personal Touches to Your Newsletter

While all of your newsletter readers may not know you well, don’t be afraid to extend personal touches! Your newsletter is a great place for people to get to know you. Sharing odds and ends about yourself and your practice in your newsletter will foster trust and build your relationship, so clients will be much more comfortable when they decide to book a consultation.

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