
Nutrition private practice marketing

Discover tips for private practice marketing from entrepreneur Margie Geiser. Learn about promotional examples, nutrition marketing, and more.

Stefanie Mendez, MS RD
Stefanie Mendez, MS RD
Director of Marketing
Published on Oct 12, 2016
Updated on Dec 15, 2024

Recently, the Healthie team sat down to chat with Margie Geiser, founder of MEG-Enterprises. Margie is both a dietitian and a business coach who now specializes in helping dietitians to not only grow their private practices but learn how to run a business. Margie is an entrepreneurial genius with more than a few tips to share on how you can really make your dietetic private practice stand out. Today, we’re looking at three tips from Margie that will step up your practice.

3 tips for nutrition private practice marketing

1. Offer a lead magnet

This may sound backward, but trust in Margie – offering visitors who’ve stumbled onto your site a freebie (or a “lead magnet”) later pays off when that visitor decides to become a client. In Margie’s blog post, “Why You Should Offer A Lead Magnet to Your Website Visitors,” she explores how free offers will add a new audience for your newsletter. Your newsletter over the course of weeks will let that visitor get to know you and build up trust. This will ultimately be what makes them convert from causal website visitor to client. This freebie is not a free consult. It’s an ebook, a recipe, or a low-cost (or free) webinar. Margie’s solution is about raising your fees, not lowering them. A lead magnet can lead to potential clients trusting your expertise, valuing your knowledge, and as a result, be willing to pay more to work with you.


2. Be specific about what you’re looking for in nutritional clients

When explaining what you do, be sure to be as specific as possible about the problem you’re combatting as well as the solution. In Margie’s blog post, “Solutions Sell: How to Get More Clients,” she says compare, “I work with people with diabetes who want to know what to eat” to “I work with toddlers newly diagnosed with diabetes and their families, to help them learn how to live with diabetes without fear and anxiety.”  In the second example, the wording is specific. It not only speaks to the client you hope to work with but the problem you’re offering a solution to. This specific wording will speak to anyone who has that problem and helps you to collect more clients!

3. Make your website appeal to millennials.

Your online presence matters to millennials. Margie shares in her blog post, “Optimizing Your Website For Marketing to Millennials” that one of the ways to appeal to millennials is through pull-marketing. In this branch of marketing social media is your way in. According to Margie, the vast majority of millennials rely on the opinions of friends and family before making a decision to make a purchase. This means that getting into word-of-mouth is a top priority. Millennials get to know you through live-streaming, user-created content, and your own original posts on social media.

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Nutrition private practice marketing

Discover tips for private practice marketing from entrepreneur Margie Geiser. Learn about promotional examples, nutrition marketing, and more.

Recently, the Healthie team sat down to chat with Margie Geiser, founder of MEG-Enterprises. Margie is both a dietitian and a business coach who now specializes in helping dietitians to not only grow their private practices but learn how to run a business. Margie is an entrepreneurial genius with more than a few tips to share on how you can really make your dietetic private practice stand out. Today, we’re looking at three tips from Margie that will step up your practice.

3 tips for nutrition private practice marketing

1. Offer a lead magnet

This may sound backward, but trust in Margie – offering visitors who’ve stumbled onto your site a freebie (or a “lead magnet”) later pays off when that visitor decides to become a client. In Margie’s blog post, “Why You Should Offer A Lead Magnet to Your Website Visitors,” she explores how free offers will add a new audience for your newsletter. Your newsletter over the course of weeks will let that visitor get to know you and build up trust. This will ultimately be what makes them convert from causal website visitor to client. This freebie is not a free consult. It’s an ebook, a recipe, or a low-cost (or free) webinar. Margie’s solution is about raising your fees, not lowering them. A lead magnet can lead to potential clients trusting your expertise, valuing your knowledge, and as a result, be willing to pay more to work with you.


2. Be specific about what you’re looking for in nutritional clients

When explaining what you do, be sure to be as specific as possible about the problem you’re combatting as well as the solution. In Margie’s blog post, “Solutions Sell: How to Get More Clients,” she says compare, “I work with people with diabetes who want to know what to eat” to “I work with toddlers newly diagnosed with diabetes and their families, to help them learn how to live with diabetes without fear and anxiety.”  In the second example, the wording is specific. It not only speaks to the client you hope to work with but the problem you’re offering a solution to. This specific wording will speak to anyone who has that problem and helps you to collect more clients!

3. Make your website appeal to millennials.

Your online presence matters to millennials. Margie shares in her blog post, “Optimizing Your Website For Marketing to Millennials” that one of the ways to appeal to millennials is through pull-marketing. In this branch of marketing social media is your way in. According to Margie, the vast majority of millennials rely on the opinions of friends and family before making a decision to make a purchase. This means that getting into word-of-mouth is a top priority. Millennials get to know you through live-streaming, user-created content, and your own original posts on social media.

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